Families often feel overwhelmed by the chaos of modern life. If your family doesn’t have a system, you feel too busy and stressed, unnecessary conflict is normalized, joy diminishes, and anxiety increases. And these things lead to spouses drifting apart, teenagers drifting away, and the resulting grief that you are losing those you love most. It doesn’t have to be this way. Well-Ordered Family was founded to end this.
Conor Gallagher, father of sixteen children and CEO of multiple businesses, has created an innovative 6-part Family Management System by adapting business tools for family life. There is a reason businesses run smoothly while families run chaotically. This system visually illustrates the six fundamental components that must be managed and cultivated to create a well-ordered family: vision, unity, systems, metrics, relationships, and discernment. Our unique system will bring order and clarity back into your life.